Sunday, October 17, 2010

Music Is Everywhere

I believe that music is everywhere. Nowadays, one would most likely expect it to being coming out of their ipod or car stereo, but music also finds its way into more simple places. It could be birds chirping, raindrops falling, feet stepping, stomping, banging, anything that makes sound could be considered music. In a more formal display, the media sells it. They pump sounds, rhythms, and beats into our ears at all times. We enjoy this, so we pay money and in turn, strengthen the companies supplying the music to send us more. Music reaches the entire globe, dating back to ancient times, and varies widely from place to place. However, this music is all interconnected, borrowing elements from one another. You could say that R&B and hip hop music, heavy on rhythm and percussion, are similar to primitive tribal music based solely on the drums. Similarly, the fast melodic guitar solos of metal music, simply running through scales at increasing tempos and volumes, are comparable to the work of Mozart and other classical composers. The fact of the matter is that music is not just a compilation of genres and styles, but one universal sound. Other than people who unfortunately can’t hear, there are little to no people in the world who have never heard some form of music. I have been listening to music for as long as I can remember. I’ve watched music evolve through different fads and trends. One could say that music plays a large role of not only an individual’s identity, but the identity of a generation. The 70’s had disco, the 80’s had pop music, the 90’s had grunge and alternative rock, and that’s only regarding popular American music. Whether it’s coming out of the radio, ipod, record player, watched live in concert, or being made, music is everywhere.

Word Count: 306

This I believe: Music is everywhere; it is inescapable and could be considered synonymous with ones culture, thanks not only to music being a significant cultural factor, but also to corporate music companies broadcasting it through the airwaves of popular American culture.


  1. This essay reminds me of the movie August Rush. Very good belief!

  2. My only suggestion is that your add a personal bit to what you wrote. How has mnusic impacted you to make you feel this way about it?

  3. I think its great you pointed out something often overlooked. something as simple as soothing sounds of nature. I liked how you identified sounds of nature to be like sounds of music. Next time I step outside, I will have a different perspective to the things I hear.

  4. I like that this is a very artful and analytical view on how people perceive and play music. But there needs to be more personality and emotion to it so the reader can relate better with your belief.

  5. Our essays are similar, and it's easy to forget how much music plays a part in our lives, even in the natural aspects of everyday life. I really like your belief, and believe in it as well, but it would probably be good to put a more personal spin on it and maybe say how music has affected you.
